Your Dogs
Get a Dog | Dog Care | Sell a Dog | Breed a Dog | Show a Dog | FAQ
Getting a Dog
Adopting a dog from the shelter is one of the best ways to get an affordable first time pooch. It only costs $100 to adopt a dog. However, there are some draw backs. Dogs adopted from the shelter have usually unknown lines and genetics. This doesn't mean that you won't find a dog that's an excellent show dog, it just means you'll get what you get. To adopt a dog from the shelter go to your kennel then click on the shelter under the market place. Then search for a dog you would like to adopt and click the adoption button beside its name.
Buying a dog from another member makes it easier to know what kind of dog you're getting, but its also more expensive. Dogs from other members have usually already been in a few shows and even had a litter or two of puppies. Even if you buy a puppy from another member you can look at both its parents to see what kind of traits the puppies are likely to have and you know if you're getting the pick of the litter, a regular puppy, or even the poor little runt. To buy a dog from another member go to your kennel and then click on the services button under the market place. Select the dogs link from the left hand side under essential links. Select the kind of dog you're looking for and change the for sale option to yes. If you see a dog you like click on its name. From the dogs page you can buy it from the button under its picture, or you can offer the owner a lower price.
Question: How many dogs can I have?
Answer: Basic members are limited to 15 dogs, not including puppies. Upgrade members, or kennel owners, can own up to 50 dogs (max), not including puppies.
Question: What kind of dogs are at the animal shelter?
Answer: You will be able to find almost any breed of dog at the shelter. This includes purebreds and cross breeds. The dogs are of all ages, genders, and pedigrees.
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Dog Care
When you first look at your dog there are a LOT of things to see. This will help you understand what everything means.
1) Dog View Jump Box. This will let you navigate from dog to dog really easily. You will see one of these boxes at the top of every dog's page.
2) Dog's Name. This is where you can change your dogs name. Enter the name you want and click the button to update your changes.
3) Breed. This is your dogs breed. Some dogs have an X after their breed, this means that the dog is not a purebred. Cross breed dogs can be breed back into purebred dogs over the generations, so keep on breeding!
4) Age. This is your dog's current age. Y stands for years and M stands for months. So a dog that is 4y and 8m is 4 years and 8 months old.
5) Gender. There are four different types of genders: male, female, male neutered, and female spayed. Neutered and spayed dogs are also known as altered dogs. Altered dogs cannot breed.
6) Date of Birth. Also known as DOB.
7) Reg. Number. This is your dogs ID number in the game. This will help you and other members find your dog.
8) Club. As your dog gets better you can decide to apply for it to be registered in a club. If your dog is accepted your club will be displayed here.
9) Class Points. This will tell you a few things about your dog. The first number is how many points your dog has. The letter is the class level that your dog can be entered into for shows without having any penalties put on it. Finally the word following that is the group of dogs that this particular dog breed belongs to. This will help you find the correct shows to enter your dog into.
10) Boarding. This is the kennel your dog is currently boarding at and the price for seven days board at that kennel. All dogs start off at the SimDog Animal Shelter. You must move your dog to a different kennel before you can start to show it.
11) Boarding Paid. This will tell you how many days board you have paid for this dog. If you don't pay board for the kennel you're at then your dog will be sent back to the SimDog Animal Shelter.
12) Dog's Photo. Once you've uploaded a picture for your dog it will be displayed here. Dog pictures that are too big will be sized smaller.
13) Upload Browser. You can look through the files on your computer in order to upload a picture to your dog. The picture must be under 50k in size.
14) Uploading a Picture. Refresh the page after you've hit the upload button and uploaded a picture. If your picture does not show up then it means the file was too big, try finding a smaller photo and trying again.

Medical Records
1) General Appearance. This is what the dog looks like to the judge if it were to go in a show right at this moment. To change these settings you need to user groomers, trainers, and vets.
2) Shot Records. This lists the dates of all your dogs last shots. Dogs must be up to date on all their shots in order to enter into shows. A dog needs its shots every 1-2 weeks except for Parvo. Parvo is a one time shot.
3) Medical History. This will display the dogs most recent sickness, injuries and other problems or procedures done at the vet.
4) Current Health. These are your dogs settings that are affected every time you use items on it, show it, breed it, etc. Your dog should be in good health at all times, otherwise it will be sent to the Animal Shelter for neglect. Your dog must have over 25% health and energy in order to show or breed at any time. Dogs in good health will automatically increase in health and energy every night. To increase these yourself will need to use items on your dogs.
GETTING items. Go to your kennel and then select services from under the market place. Your items are listed at the top of the services page. Browse the different stores, or search for a store to find items for sale.
FOOD Items. These will increase your dogs health and hunger and some will increase energy. This will also increase your dogs weight and chance of sickness if you overfeed.
DRINK Items. These will increase your dogs health and thirst. This will decrease your energy if you over water your dog because then they become sluggish.
GROOM Items. These will increase your dog health, grooming and cleanliness. This will decrease your dogs energy, hunger and thirst, because they get bored standing still for lots of grooming.
TOY Items. These will increase your dogs health and exercise. This will decrease your dogs hunger, thirst, energy, grooming, kennel, and cleanliness. Dogs that don't exercise can get fat.
TRAIN Items. These will change your dogs current behavior as listed under the general appearance section. This will reduce your dogs hunger, thirst, grooming, cleanliness, kennel and energy.
KENNEL Items. This will increase your dogs kennel (poop).
If your dog is sick or has an injury it will tell you under their status. Sick and injured dogs cannot be shown or bred. Next to the sickness or injury you will see a number of days in parenthesis. This is how many days it will take before the dog gets well on their own. You can instantly cure your dog of a sickness or injury by going to the vet, but sometimes that's really expensive. If it won't take that long, waiting is the best solution.
5) Vet Records. This will tell you which vet you went to, on what date, and how much the vet charged you for that visit.
Question: My dog is missing, where did it go?
Answer: If you don't take care of your dog then it returns to the animal shelter where another member is free to adopt it. If you search for your dog at the animal shelter and it isn't there check your game mail for an important message.
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Sell a Dog
By clicking on your dogs sale records you can update how much your dog is for sale for, and check to see if you have any sale offers. Offers are a way for members to buy the dog for less then the listed sale price, however anyone can buy the dog for the listed sale price.
Below that you will see the dogs previous owner. If the dog never had a previous owner you will either see your own name or the name for the SimDog Animal shelter. Only the most current last owner is listed. When you've sold a dog it will disappear from your account and the money will be added to your bank account.
Question: Can I sell my dog for less then $100 sim creds?
Answer: No. All dogs must be sold for $100 or more.
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Breed A Dog

Some dogs have some features about them that really stand out to a judge who likes those particular features. However, not all dogs have qualities. A dog without qualities is probably not a dog you should breed.

Some dogs have some problems that really stand out to a judge who likes those particular features. Not all dogs have faults, but for dogs that do, be careful which shows you enter them into.

One of the things that makes so unique is its huge genetics database. There are over nine hundred thousand different genetic possibilities on this game. LOTS! Looking at your dogs genetics is a great way to see how well they will do with breeding and in shows. As a basic member you will not be able to see your dogs phenotype unless you upgrade your account first.

Question: How do I see my dogs genotype?
Answer: You must upgrade your account first.
Question: Where can I find out what all the symbols mean?
Answer: There is a symbol dictionary link at the bottom of the genetics page. Click that link and a new window will open with a description of what your dogs genetics mean.
This is a way to trace back through all the living relatives of your dog. Dogs whose names you can click on are currently well and living in the game. Dogs that were living and have passed away are marked as deceased. A dog with unknown parentage means just that. The dogs used to first make the game all have unknown pedigrees.

Your dogs must be two years or older before they can breed. To breed your own dogs together select mating from the left hand side of the dogs records. A box will show you all the different dogs of the opposite sex that you can breed that dog with. Beneath that you will see a list of all the dogs requesting to breed to you dog. At the top of the page you can deny their requests or change the breeding request fee for this dog. If you accept a breeding request the money will be transferred into your account. IMPORTANT: puppies always stay with the female dog, even when using a breeding request.

Once you've picked the dog you would like to breed your dog to a screen will appear showing you the predicted results of the puppies the female dog will have. If you like the results you are getting then you can go through with the breeding at the very bottom of the page. Female dogs are pregnant for three days.
Once your dog has had its puppies you will see a link to view the puppies under the dogs name. If you used a breeding request and you did not own the female dog then you will not see the puppies on your account.
Clicking on the litter link will take you to the dog's litter page. At the top of the page it will give list the deadline date that you have to decide to keep or sell the puppies. If you keep a puppy it will be added to your account. Remember, you can't have more dogs then your dog limit. If you don't have room for all the puppies or you don't want them you can put them up for sale. Puppies that are not sold by the deadline date are taken to the shelter where any member can adopt them for $100.
There are three types of puppies in almost every litter. Pick of the litter is the best puppy that your dog had. Regular puppies are average and the runt is the worst puppy your dog had. Dogs that are pick of the litter tend to do better in shows then regular dogs. Regular dogs tend to do better in shows then runts.
Litter sizes vary from breed to breed. Extra large breed dogs can have up to 12 puppies, large dogs up to 10, medium dogs up to 8, small dogs up to 4, and tiny dogs only 1 or 2. Keep this in mind when breeding your dogs and selling your puppies.
Once your dog has had its litter of puppies they will always be listed on its offspring page unless they die. This is a good way to help you keep track of where all your dogs have gone and if they are being properly taken care of. Basic members are limited to three litters per female dog and upgraded members are limited to five. Once a female dog has reached your litter limit she cannot breed anymore. Male dogs have no breeding limit.
Question: My dog has reached their litter limit, what does that mean?
Answer: Female dogs can only have three litters for basic members and five litters or upgraded members. Once your dog has reached this limit it can no longer breed. Males dogs have no breeding limits.
Question: My pregnant dog was for sale and I sold her, but where did the puppies go?
Answer: Puppies always stay with the female dog. If your dog is pregnant or has a litter of puppies and you sell her then the puppies will go to the new owner.
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Show A Dog
Before you can show a dog there are a few things you must remember:
- The dog must be age six months or older
- The dog must have more then 25% energy and health
- The dog must be up to date on all shots
- The dog may not be boarding at the Animal Shelter kennels
- The dog must have a handler and the handler must not already be showing a dog in the show you try to enter
- The dog must not be pregnant, sick, or injured
- The dog must not already be in another show
If your dog meets all these requirements then you will be able to show it. Shows cost $100 sim creds each. Shows are broken up according to group and age level. Next to your dogs class level you will see its group and the letter of the class shows you should be entering it into. Then you must enter the dog into the right age class:
- Puppy is open to dogs 6m to 1y 0m
- Adolescent is open to dogs 1y 2m to 2y 10m
- Adult is open to dogs 3y 0m to dogs 4y 10m
- Elder is open to dogs 5y 0m and older
Non-club shows award the following:
1st - $500 and 10 points
2nd - $333 and 9 points
3rd - $250 and 8 points
4th - $200 and 7 points
5th - $167 and 6 points
6th - $143 and 5 points
7th - $125 and 4 points
8th - $112 and 3 points
9th - $100 and 2 points
10th - 2 points
11th and under - 1 point
DQ - subtracts 5 points
Club shows award twice as much money but the same number of points.
Changing Boarding
Click on the name of the dog from your list of dogs on your account. To the left of the dogs information click on the change boarding link. A search box will come up to let you search for an affordable kennel for you dog. The kennel that your dog is currently in will not show up on this list. Once you've found a kennel you like click on the pay board button. As long as there is enough room in the kennel and you can afford it, then your dogs kennel will be change and its board will be paid for seven days.
Keep in mind, kennel owners can remove your dog from their kennel if you do not pay your boarding fees. For more information on the kennel owner's boarding policy, click on the kennel name and visit the kennel's website.
Question: Why is my dog suddenly back at the Animal Shelter boarding kennel again?
Answer: If you do not pay your boarding fees then your dog will be kicked from the boarding kennel to give the kennel owner space for other paying dogs. Pay your boarding fees every week and you won't have this problem.

Changing Handlers
Click on the name of the dog from your list of dogs on your account. To the left of the dogs information click on the change handlers link. You'll see your dogs current handler and a way to manage your handlers. Below that you'll see a search so that you can find handlers for hire.
Create A Handler
As a basic member you can make three handlers, upgrade members can make five. A handler can have up to three dogs assigned to it. This means that if you have more then nine dogs as a basic member that you will need to hire handlers for your other dogs (see below).
When you create your handlers you get to pick its age, gender, and dog size preference. These cannot be changed later. Once your handler is created you can assign it dogs and update your handlers settings.
Update Handler Settings
Each handler is different. Handlers working with different sized dogs will usually have different handler settings. Remember that your handler's settings will effect all the dogs that it is assigned to handle. If you want to hire your handler out to other members you need at least one free space. Once you've picked the settings you like make sure you save your changes.
Retire A Handler
Handlers retire at 46, but you are more then welcome to retire them earlier. However, older handlers tend to have more experience then younger handlers so it would probably be a good idea to keep your handler around as long as possible. Once your handler retires you can make a new one.
Hired Handlers
If you decide to hire another members handler for one of your dogs keep in mind that you will have to pay the handlers fee every time you show that dog. This can end up being really expensive, so if you have to you can switch around the dogs that your handlers take care of in order to show all your dogs.

Question: Why do handlers retire?
Answer: Handlers retire because they get older just like dogs and judges do. This also keeps things constantly changing and up to date on the game.
Show Records
Each of your dog has their own show records. This will help you keep track of how well your dog is doing as you continue to show it.
- Total lists how many total shows the dog has been in.
- SC lists the total number of Show Champions the dog has taken, or 1st place.
- RC lists the dog's Reserve Champions or 2nd place.
- UC lists the dog's Upcoming Contenders or 3rd place.
- PL lists all the places the dog has taken, 4th - 10th.
- BB lists all of the dog's Best of Breeds, how many times they had the highest score excluding their faults.
- DQ lists the number of times they've been disqualified from shows and scratch lists how many times you've withdrawn them from shows.
- Your dog's show history is public to all members, so make sure you pick your shows carefully.

Once your dog has been in a show you will see the most recent results listed below the rest of its show records page. Each judge is very particular about the kinds of dogs they like and the judge can make all the difference in the types of results your dog gets. For more information on judges please see that section of the walkthrough.
Question: When do shows run?
Answer: Shows run at 12 NOON EST.
Question: Why are my dog's point decreasing?
Answer: Every time your dog gets disqualified its points decrease by five.
Question: Why dogs my dog always get disqualified?
Answer: Dogs with behavioral problems are easily disqualified for excessive growling, snapping, barking or even biting.
Question: Why does my dog place higher in shows run by a certain judge?
Answer: Judges all have different preferences in the types of dogs they are most likely to score higher. By clicking on a judges name you can see how much importance they put on different features of the dogs. Judges that stress your dogs qualities will place your dogs higher then judges that stress your dogs faults.
Show Penalties
As your dog runs in shows it will sometimes get penalties. The most common reason for penalties are entering your dog into the wrong level show. The correct show level is listed next to your dogs class points on their overview page. Otherwise ten points are deducted from your dogs score for each level above or below its current class level you are in the show.
Disqualification is another way to get penalties. Dogs that have behavioral problems are prone to being disqualified a lot. Make sure you take care of the problem as soon as possible by seeing a trainer, because each time you get disqualified your dogs points will go down by five.
Some other minor reasons include: low health, energy, hunger, thirst, cleanliness, grooming, etc.
Question: It says my handler is busy, what does that mean?
Answer: Handlers can only show one dog at a time in a class show. This means that if they are already showing a dog in E Sporting that they cannot show another dog at the same time. Either find a different show or a different handler.
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Question: Can I sell my dog for less then $100 sim creds?
Answer: No. All dogs must be sold for $100 or more.
Question: How do I see my dogs genotype?
Answer: You must upgrade your account first.
Question: Where can I find out what all the genetic symbols mean?
Answer: There is a symbol dictionary link at the bottom of the genetics page. Click that link and a new window will open with a description of what your dogs genetics mean.
Question: My dog has reached their litter limit, what does that mean?
Answer: Female dogs can only have three litters for basic members and five litters or upgraded members. Once your dog has reached this limit it can no longer breed. Males dogs have no breeding limits.
Question: My pregnant dog was for sale and I sold her, but where did the puppies go?
Answer: Puppies always stay with the female dog. If your dog is pregnant or has a litter of puppies and you sell her then the puppies will go to the new owner.
Question: Why is my dog suddenly back at the Animal Shelter boarding kennel again?
Answer: If you do not pay your boarding fees then your dog will be kicked from the boarding kennel to give the kennel owner space for other paying dogs. Pay your boarding fees every week and you won't have this problem.
Question: Why do handlers retire?
Answer: Handlers retire because they get older just like dogs and judges do. This also keeps things constantly changing and up to date on the game.
Question: When do shows run?
Answer: Shows run at 12 NOON EST.
Question: Why are my dog's point decreasing?
Answer: Every time your dog gets disqualified its points decrease by five.
Question: Why dogs my dog always get disqualified?
Answer: Dogs with behavioral problems are easily disqualified for excessive growling, snapping, barking or even biting.
Question: Why does my dog place higher in shows run by a certain judge?
Answer: Judges all have different preferences in the types of dogs they are most likely to score higher. By clicking on a judges name you can see how much importance they put on different features of the dogs. Judges that stress your dogs qualities will place your dogs higher then judges that stress your dogs faults.
Question: It says my handler is busy, what does that mean?
Answer: Handlers can only show one dog at a time in a class show. This means that if they are already showing a dog in E Sporting that they cannot show another dog at the same time. Either find a different show or a different handler.
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